Friday, September 28, 2012

Industrial and commercial toilet cubicles should be designed for ease of cleaning and hygienic usage

The ease with which modern washroom facilities and toilet cubicles are cleaned is perhaps the single most important consideration for the designer. Health and safety is of course a prime consideration when designing and installing washroom facilities and toilet cubicles. There are always reports on the news and in the press about outbreaks of one bug or other laying low whole swathes of a workforce.

The better the design and ease of cleaning means there is less of a potential risk of infections spreading, although no matter how well toilet and washroom facilities are designed, generally poor hygiene practices are to blame. Education of the workforce with signs reminding people to ‘wash hands after use’ is a practical measure which can be taken.

The overall flexible approach and a custom made solution which works well and delivers a safe, robust washroom solution regardless of the industry or commercial sector your business operates in is a must. Washroom facilities and in particular toilet facilities should in the main be totally practical, and yet as pleasing to the eye as a washroom can be given the reason anyone visits a washroom.

Depending on the location, that is to say a factory, restaurant, hotel or other commercial environment the facilities will need to be able to withstand heavy usage. Unlike a single toilet in an office where only one or two people work and the usage will be light, in a factory or large industrial site where many tens or hundreds of staff work, usage will be on an industrial scale. 
Given that the toilet in your home is perhaps flushed half a dozen times a day, or the sink in your bathroom is used maybe a few more times a day, the facilities in a public washroom are in constant use day in day out. The potential of damage if they aren't robust enough is high; the potential for abuse by less than hygienic use is higher.

If you own or run a business you will be acutely aware of the Health and Safety legislation; within the framework of the legislation are guidelines on the type and number of facilities you need to provide a workforce, or indeed other stakeholders and members of the public visiting your premises. If you have an issue or need new toilet and washroom facilities, always consult an expert with a long track record in the industry.

If you have a washroom dilemma and need a new toilet cubicle, urinal, locker, sink or wall cladding, give our team a call today. You are able to choose from a wide variety of materials and finishes to suit your uniquely individual project requirements and specifications. For more information about washroom facilities and toilet cubicles, log on to the website of Atlas Washrooms, the address of which is

1 comment:

  1. A space that is thought to be private yet very public could well be the toilet cubicle, also called a bathroom. If you are contemplating adding new cubicles, it is important for you to make certain they are being built both properly and also to the appropriate standard. Thanks!
    Painters Liverpool
